If there hadn't been a dialogue warm-up for me to lead tonight, I might have never left my couch. Yesterday was the last student matinee for the alt cast, which means that after tonight I will have to go to work exactly 2 more times (and never before 5pm) before I go off contract. This, combined with my social life (in the form of CameraMan) leaving town, has considerably lightened my schedule, resulting in my complete and utter inactivity. This morning (and by morning I mean 10:30am when I finally got out of bed and showered) I set myself up with a blanket on the couch, Netflix in the DVD player, lemonade and magazines and remote controls within easy reach. On days like today, the Bossy Cat usually gets in on the action by curling up on my chest or my feet.
My new computer has made lazing even easier than it was before. My ancient iBook couldn't stream video much, so I practically never did. The new one, however, has streaming capability like you would not believe, fast and smooth without taking pauses to buffer. Turns out almost every TV show that I love is online now. The Daily Show, The Office, 30 Rock, Grey's Anatomy…the list goes on and on. In the past couple days I've become completely addicted to hulu.com. It's even worse than Tivo, because when I've caught up with all the shows I know I like, there are lots more to choose from, which is how I ended up watching episodes of The Starter Wife this afternoon. Yikes. I feel an intervention coming on.
I'm taking one more delicious, luxurious, relaxed, perfect day on the couch, and then I will re-enter the real world. There's so much to do. I have an apartment to clean, an opera to study, a score to make beautiful, an a** to shrink, a career to jump-start, and phone calls to return.
But not just yet.
Don't forget to clean up your bedside table - the election is over.
ReplyDeleteI think you need a new hobby.