Random reactions to the Oscars

  • Men should not wear gold hoop earrings, unless they are on set for a pirate movie. I'm looking at you, Mr. Day-Lewis.
  • Spanish accents are sexy.
  • Hannah Montana does not belong at the Oscars. I'm just saying.
  • Turns out, Mickey Rooney is still alive. Who knew?
  • Is it really necessary to bring up the fact that Diablo Cody was an "exotic dancer" every time she's mentioned? Oh, and using Jon Stewart's formula, my stripper name is definitely Gypsy Wells. FYI.
  • Thank God the song from Once won. The rest of the songs were hopeless.
  • Couldn't they get a diction coach to help the presenters who have to pronounce the titles of foreign films? The only one more painful to listen to than Owen Wilson was that bee, aka Jerry Seinfeld.
  • Kristen Chenoweth, you can wear all the 5" heels you want. You will never be tall. Embrace it.
  • Can anyone tell me the difference between Sound Editing and Sound Mixing?
  • Scottish accents are sexy.
  • The fact that Marion Cotillard is so young and lovely in real life makes me all the more impressed with her transformation for La Vie en Rose. Amazing.
  • I have seen 31 of the 80 Best Picture films.
  • If I can walk and crack jokes in front of people at age 98, I hope I'll be getting a big award so I can show off my mad skills.
  • I miss the extended clips of all the Best Pic nominees. I did like that the show came in under 4 hours, though.
  • I need to see No Country for Old Men. And There Will Be Blood. And Michael Clayton. And…oh, never mind. I have to go rearrange my Netflix queue.


  1. And what about the fashion? All those black dresses with a few red ones here and there? And the hair??? What's up with that very carefully done and no doubt expensive, "I'll just put it in a ponytail with a few strands hanging out like I'm going to the grocery store but really I'm going to the Oscars" look? Can you tell I only watched the red carpet pre-show?

  2. Sound editing: splicing together all the bits from the various takes in rehearsal to make one complete and "perfect" version of the song.

    Sound mixing: Each of those takes from recording consists of dozens of tracks - strings, winds, vocals, electronics, etc - so the mixer fusses with the level of each track to make sure the most important ones are heard at the right times. Background vocals down, strings up; that kind of thing.

    Make sense?! :)


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