If I lived in Southern California…

Part of an ongoing series.
  • …I would wear sunscreen. I promise. Especially if I was planning on going to an opening night wearing a strapless dress in a few days. Ahem.

  • …I just might invest in a Vita-mix and convert to the green drink lifestyle. Much as I hate to admit it, I'm feeling pretty healthy after a week of daily green drinks.

  • …I would feel more connected to my family. 1 grandmother, 2 uncles, 2 aunts, and 6 cousins (1 removed) all nearby would ensure that.

  • …I would go on a hike every day, because I would have no excuse not to.

  • …I would feel like a square, what with all the talk of Burning Man, etc.

  • …I would need to earn a lot more money than I do now in order to have a roof over my head.

  • …I would probably give into peer pressure and end up more enlightened. Everyone's doing it.

  • …you would have to tear me away from the beach. Where I would be wearing sunscreen. Did I mention that?

  • …I would take pictures of the landscape all the time, juggling my camera in one hand while I pinched myself with the other to make myself believe that I lived in this gorgeous place.

  • …I wouldn't be quite so excited to go back to Houston as I am right now.
Goodbye, California. I'm heading home.


  1. Burning man...


    you should probably wear sunscreen there as well.

    and Uggs.

  2. we were in san francisco for a grand total of 2 1/2 days and i felt like the most conservative liberal in the city. :) especially at the haight...
    also, i have a friend who did burning man and she loved it but she's a little crazy.
    hope the rest of your trip goes well!


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