I'm on Fatkins

I ate vegetables today. In salad form.

This is noteworthy (and I'm playing fast and loose with the term noteworthy here) only because my eating habits have completely deteriorated in the past month. They weren't all that great before, either, but I definitely reached an all-time low on Tuesday, when I ate a brownie for breakfast, Taco Bell for lunch, and mozzarella sticks for dinner. Oh, and some candy during the show. Yikes.

I'm not sure what my problem is. It's partly my complete unwillingness/inability to cook for myself, partly my busy schedule at work (although I really can't use that one this week or last), and partly my love of eating fried things at the Front Porch after midnight. Mostly, though, I think I have a hard time eating well when I'm exercising. Usually for the first week of a new workout regimen I am inspired to munch on healthy things, but that falls by the wayside pretty quickly. Apparently I can either eat well or exercise, but not both. At the moment I'm choosing exercise. The Wise Soprano tells me that this means I'll look really hot when I keel over from a heart attack. And you wonder how she earned her nickname.

This would be the part where I vow to turn over a new (lettuce) leaf, say no to all things fried, and stock up on lots of foods containing antioxidants, right? Nope. Sorry. Wrong blog. I'm not planning to do anything to change my ways; I'm just filling you in on another detail of my life. Fascinating, I know.

And bragging about my healthy choice for lunch today. Mmmm, salad, you taste so good. Especially when you are topped with bacon, cheese, egg, chicken, and ranch dressing.

By the way, you may have noticed an appreciable boost in the quantity of Little Ms. Bossy posts, along with an alarming decline in the quality. That's because my 30-day project this month is to blog every day! Some days you might want to just skim. Like, say, on days that I try to milk an entire post from one lunch choice. Ahem.


  1. The filler of a bolg is a bit like the filler of a Twinkie.

    You don't know what it is, or why it is. But you enjoy.

    And it gives you a stomach ache later.

  2. A couple weeks of Ojai will fix that.

  3. ah,yes, Ojai - a lettuce leaf in every fridge. Your blog sounds like a song I still have in my collection -- even at 83! I've been saved by green smoothies ... so come on out and you'll go back green. Grandma

  4. I have to figure out how to balance exercise (with the brace), eating well and just giving up and eating the junk food I'd much rather have given the situation.

    I'm like you, I can do one, or the other, but not both.


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