Play that funky music

I'm in a funk. I can't remember exactly when it started, but it's been long enough now that it's becoming increasingly difficult to laugh it off as just a phase. I don't feel like myself. Friends have taken to calling me Grumpy Greta, Mopey Mildred, and Bitter Betty. I'd love to blame it on a combination of hormones and recent not-so-fabulous life events, but I'm afraid it probably comes down to a fundamentally bad attitude that I'm carrying around with me wherever I go. I need to shake it off, snap out of it, suck it up. But how?

Here's what I've tried so far: pretending everything's fine, listening to music that makes me smile, snuggling my kitten, watching funny movies, eating cheese and cheese-related products, sleeping in, watching far too much Six Feet Under, reading, frequent drinking, date nights, cleaning, blogging, saying "That's what she said" whenever the moment presents itself, throwing myself into work, taking pictures, shopping, being lazy, being productive, crying, laughing, talking on the phone, going out with friends, staying in, wallowing, and distracting myself.

What's missing from this list, people? What haven't I tried? Suggest it, and I'll be all over it, I swear. In the meantime, if you need me I'll be at the bar.


  1. trying something new/taking a risk? or maybe it's just autumn melancholies?

  2. Perhaps it's just me, but I never thought of watching Six Feet Under as something that would make me feel LESS weird. As much as I loved it, half the shows made me feel as depressed as the Fisher family. :)

  3. Maybe you need snuggle time with "Sould Mate" and half baked ice cream, aybe some "Extras" does that sound?

  4. Yeah, I agree with Jeff - Six Feet Under doesn't really make one feel better - watch some old school Fairytale Theater - Shelly Duvall makes everything better - a moral and a happy ending, except for the fact that Jeff Bridges was cast as a prince charming, I mean really.

  5. Yeah, apparently we need to spend more time together so that we can have our funks together. Stupid opposite projects. I don't have any cheese, but I do have some Gin. So come up and have that.


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