Only, I'm not, am I? 'Cause here I am. Again. Happy?
The beginning of the month also means finding a new 30-day project (I can call it that this month, because November actually does have just 30 days). I didn't decide on something until this morning, so technically I'm not actually starting until tomorrow, but I think that's okay. Enough friends whom I trust have recommended this book that I finally went out and bought it today, and am making it my 30-day project. If you really do it, it's a 12-week program, but I'm going to try it for 4 weeks and see how I like it. The cornerstones of the program are morning pages, where you write anything you want, enough to fill 3 longhand pages, every morning; and artist dates, where you take the time to do something by yourself to nurture your "inner artist," whether it be going to a museum, taking pictures in the park, or spending more time writing just for fun. Each week, you have a chapter to read, and then you're given tasks (on top of the morning pages and artist date) to complete. At the end of the week, there are several "check-in" questions to answer. The goal of the project is to be more in touch with your creative self, and I'm hoping it will help me to become generally more self-aware and grounded. I'll be sure to post updates throughout the month. CameraMan and I are also doing weekly photography assignments. More on that at the end of the first week!
And, in case you're wondering, here's what some of the other characters in Little Ms. Bossy Land (aka my friends) are up to these days:
- The New Oregonian is busy staging and preparing The Refuge. I don't go on contract until next week, but I watched a work-through of the whole piece today, and I think it's going to be incredibly powerful. Even just in the rehearsal room, there were more than a few times I had to fight back tears. Come see it if you're in Houston!
- BrandNewMiniCooperGirl finally got her designed-just-for-her Mini Cooper, only to discover on its arrival that she had ordered a stick shift by mistake. She has embraced it as a happy accident, and is already driving all around town in it (and even starting on hills).
- CameraMan is off on the Wolf Trap audition tour, hearing far too many renditions of "Quando men vo," I'm sure, and taking lots of gorgeous pictures.
- Fuzzball has started up her blog after a long absence. Check it out!
- Little Miss Hardcore recently pulled up to a stop light next to a guy who opened his car door, set an empty soda cup on the ground, and closed his door again. She tried yelling at him to pick up his trash, but he ignored her, so she got out of her car and picked it up for him. To add insult to injury? The cup was from Sam's Club.
- My Best Friend is happy to have developed a thick skin, and is rediscovering the joys of having gay male friends.
And my kitten? She's doing well, thanks for asking, just being her usual adorable self. In fact, I should go snuggle her right now.
Good for you for starting the Artist's Way!!!! It's a really incredible experience (it was and continues to be a life changing for me - I've done my morning pages most days for the last four years)...I wish you the best on this journey!