Happy weekend!

It's Friday, y'all! What do you have planned for the weekend? CM has a free day today, so we're training into D.C. for the day. We'll spend some exciting time figuring out visa nonsense at the Austrian Embassy, hit our favorite museums, eat the best tapas for dinner, and then see one of our besties sing the title role in another production of Omelette. I can't wait. That just might be enough activity to last me the whole weekend.

Some links to last you yours:

I am fascinated by ballet training, so I loved this article about American kids at the Bolshoi Academy in Moscow. Watch the video if you have time, too.

When you Google my name (and I do), genealogy websites are no longer then only things that come up. Phew.

I love these and would gift them to everyone I know. Too bad they don't have one for Vienna.

You should read this blog. He might be the smartest, funniest person I wish I knew.

Best. Dress. Ever.

Enjoy the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun weekend. I'll be spending most of mine in Figaro or Macbeth land... or maybe even Susannah. 8 weeks, 3 operas, no sleep.

    Enjoy DC! I miss it!


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