Getting to know all about you (me)

I am a skeptic. I will call bullshit on your stories of miracles, ghosts, and love at first sight faster than you can say, “You will not believe what happened to me…” You’re right—I won’t believe you. I am an unbeliever. I could count on one hand the number of times I have been inside a church in the last five years without being paid to be there (paid to sing in the choir, that is, not for some kind of strange congregation-building scheme). However, though I don’t believe in God (not wholeheartedly, anyway), there are some tenets I hold dear. Tuesday was supposed to be List Day, but rules were made to be broken, so here it is a day late:

8* Things I Believe:
*I did just tell you I was an unbeliever. You expected a list of 10?

1. I believe that an extra “dessert stomach” exists that makes it possible to eat dessert even when you’re stuffed. Lucky me, I have two.

2. I believe that it is possible to be both a strong woman and a girly girl. My favorite color is pink, but I can still change a tire (you know, hypothetically, like I understand the concept of how to do it).

3. I believe that there is someone, somewhere, who has the secret of how to balance a successful career with a full personal life. If that someone is you, and you’re reading this blog, call me.

4. I believe that moderation in all things makes for a life lacking adventure.

5. I believe that the perfect outfit can make any situation better, and that what makes an outfit perfect very rarely has anything to do with comfort.

6. I believe that the music you listen to, the books you read, the art you see, and the theatre you watch help shape who you are, so it’s important to experience as much of all four as possible. Especially when you get free tickets.

7. I believe that people still judge you based on things like good manners, proper grammar, and meticulous grooming. I just hope they don’t notice my cuticles.

8. I believe that life is better when your hobby is also your job, even if it means you can’t think of anything to say when people ask you, “What do you in your free time?”

What's been happening in my life lately, you ask? Well, the most exciting news is that I dyed my hair a dark coppery brown (see #2). If Houston won't provide the fall colors, I will.

1 comment:

  1. * It’s like the sign I saw at a church:

    Today’s Special:
    Observe any eight of the ten commandments


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