Happy weekend!

Have you had a good week? The trip to Salzburg made my week fly by, and I can't believe it's already the weekend! I'm looking forward to a lazy Saturday, and we're crossing our fingers for good hiking/outdoor wine drinking weather on Sunday.

A few things I'd like to share:

The shoes I'm wearing constantly.

The article making me proud to have awesome friends.

The German word I'm trying to use all the time in conversation (it means "quiet as a mouse").

The free app we're using to track expenses.

The video everyone in Austria has seen.

The chart I'm gawking at.

The book I can't stop thinking about.

The dinner party meal that never fails me.

The brilliant idea we're thinking about adopting as our own.

The blog you should be reading if you aren't already.

And here's the pretty Bossy Cat chillaxing in bed while we drink our morning coffee.

Hope your weekend is filled with open windows, long walks, and just the right amount of day drinking. See you back here next week. xoxo LMB


  1. Whew! I fell so much better now. And the picture of Bossy Cat is a real tonic.

  2. Love the link-y goodness.

    That german word is why the German language confounds me.

    The ragu and the Friday Night Meatball idea sounds amazing. I wish all my shows didn't have Friday night load-ins... ah well.

    And I'm totally bringing that book up to book group!


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