Getting to know you (me)

I have arbitrarily decided that Tuesday will be List Day here at Little Ms. Bossy. This week we’ll start out easy.

10 Random Things You May or May Not Know About Me:

1. I don’t drink coffee, but I’m addicted to Starbucks (Iced grande nonfat chai, if you’re buying). I also love the whole concept of “getting coffee” with friends. Maybe this is why I get along so well with TripleGrandeBreveCappuccino.

2. I am overfond of singing “One of these things is not like the others” under my breath to friends when it fits the situation. Ditto to making siren noises and saying “This is the fashion police. Please pull over.”

3. Alcohol makes me wittier, more charming, and better at darts. Invite me to your parties. You’ll have fun, I promise.

4. My first kiss was the summer I was 9 at Quaker Camp. Yes, that’s right, Quaker Camp. When my parents came to pick me up, the first thing I said was, “Guess what? I have a boyfriend, and we frenched!” Don’t think I’ve used “french” as a verb since.

5. I change my mind about where I want to live next approximately every 2 weeks. It drives Nathan crazy (not in the good way). I’ve been stuck on Chicago for a while now, with intermittent flights of fancy to Europe and Manhattan.

6. In Bulgaria, where I spent a month in 2003, people nod their heads to mean “No” and shake their heads to mean “Yes.” Very confusing. I realize this isn’t a fact about me at all, but it’s fascinating, right? They also say “fresh as a carrot” instead of “fresh as a daisy.” Crazy foreigners.

7. My very first audition was for Gretl in Sound of Music when I was 4. A 5-year-old with her Equity card beat me out for it. I’ve been bitter ever since.

8. If you hang out with me enough, I will eventually adopt all your unique catchphrases. Possibly your accent, too. I can’t help it.

9. Every car I’ve owned has been German, out of respect for my heritage (and because Germans are better at everything, they just are). I started out with a 1975 Mercedes 500, moved on to a 1989 Audi 90, and have graduated to a 2002 VW Beetle named Frankie.

10. I can’t whistle. Not like I can’t whistle very well, or I can’t whistle on pitch, or I can’t whistle the Queen of the Night’s second aria. I can’t whistle. At all. Many have tried in vain to teach me, but it’s just not happening.

So, folks, suggestions for next week’s list?


  1. I guess you'll have to wait until 2015 for your next car, but then it could be a brand new one! What's a Mercedes 50?

    I would put brown paper packages on my next list...

  2. Congrats! You're very good at who you are. Great exercise. It's like looking into your mind/heart. Think I'll try my own list and see what I get.


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