Happy weekend!

It's hard to believe it's already Friday again—this week has flown by! What do you all have planned for the weekend? We're in the midst of primping for opening night of Pique Dame, after which there's a schmancy party to attend, of course. Tomorrow CM has a free day, so we're going to hit the Great Purge hard, with a little time off for lunch with The Soprano from Wisconsin. CM counted and realized he has hardly any free evenings until we leave town, so we're going to make the most of tomorrow night by cooking dinner together and having a little date. Sunday we'll attempt to be productive again—I'll let you know how that goes.

For your weekend, a few links:

Have you heard about this? Disgusting! I enjoyed this reaction.

I'm mildly obsessed with the Modern Love column in the NY Times. I actually tear up almost every time I read it. I loved the latest one. Have a tissue handy.

Two links about fast food! That is strange, but nonetheless I giggled at this new ad campaign for cupcakes at McDonald's Germany.

Speaking of Germany, I've been meaning to link to this post for a while. Doesn't it make you want to pick up and move to Europe? Yeah, me too. If you don't already read The Wednesday Chef you should—she writes beautifully (from Berlin!) and cooks the most amazing things.

CameraMan got me a necklace from Minoux for Valentine's Day, and I've worn it every single day since (it's this one, if you want to copy). The company's based in Portland, which makes it all the better, and when my necklace arrived it came with a little handwritten note thanking me for shopping with an independent jeweler. Isn't that lovely?

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I agree with you about the Double Down... ewww.

    Thanks for sharing that lovely Modern Love column. Beautifully written, heartwrenching in topic.

    Your necklace is beautiful, CM has good taste (duh).

    Happy weekend! And enjoy your date night.

  2. i'm giving you an Honest Scrap award...loving reading about the last few jobs and the move. don't feel pressured to join in if you don't want - it's just me saying how much I'm enjoying your writing. hope you're well, bella!

  3. Rahree: Thank you, thank you, thank you! I know this is a delayed reaction, but that's only because I've been waiting for the perfect time to write my 10 honest things. I feel all blushy and warm that you thought of me. Can't wait to see you in a month!


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