A whole new world

2007 is so over, and I for one am not sorry to see it go. Oh, there was the occasional red-letter day (including that glorious day that I decided to start a blog), but overall, 2007...well, it pretty much sucked. However, in the interest of the eternal optimism I possessed before 2007 came and kicked my a**, I'm trying to look at it in that "every cloud has a silver lining, whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger, when God closes a door He opens a window" kind of way.

New Year's resolutions aren't really my thing, mainly because I don't like to set myself up for certain failure. I know I should be looking toward the future and all that 2008 has in store for me, but just for fun, I'll take a moment to reflect on the train wreck that was the last year. Was it worth it? Maybe the whole year was like a totally lame elementary school field trip: it wasn't fun, you didn't love it, but it was a learning experience. And if so, what did I learn?

I learned just how important my friends are to me. I need them to make me laugh, hold my hand, and keep me afloat, and I am so incredibly lucky to have amazing people in my life who do all that and so much more.

I learned that the only way to get what you want is to ask for it. Out loud. It's astounding how often that's all it takes.

I learned that no matter how much you want something or how articulately you ask for it, sometimes you just can't have it. This doesn't apply only to Prada dresses.

I learned that nothing is perfect. Nobody, either.

I learned that a job offer doesn't mean anything until you see a contract. I wish I didn't have to re-learn this one every year.

I learned that I can speak German. That was a red-letter day.

I learned that your life can turn out completely differently than you planned. I don't think this means you should necessarily stop planning, though.

And a few lessons learned just in time for the new year:

I learned that personal tragedies and heartbreaks don't take the day off for holidays. Too many people that I care about are going through major life events, and I'm sending them all my love and my thoughts.

I learned that everybody has a story to tell, and that sometimes telling your own helps them share it.

I learned that if you watch The Big Lebowski and take a drink (even just a sip) every time someone says "Dude," you will become quite intoxicated. Bonus points if you get it done before the party starts.

2008 had a somewhat inauspicious beginning, but the optimist in me is apparently still alive and kicking.

After all, it couldn't be any worse than 2007. Right?

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