
It's fall, my favorite time of year. Fall brings with it the promise of fresh starts and clean slates, and it seemed like the right time for a blog redesign. What do you think?

Papa Bossy was incredibly helpful, as always, and I cannot thank him enough. He's responsible for the gorgeous new header, the buttons in the sidebar, and for introducing me to Kuler, an amazing tool for creating color themes (careful, it's easy to get sucked in). I'm so lucky to have talented people in my life.

Besides the overall look, a few little things have changed. I've taken the Bossy List out of the sidebar, which was getting too cluttered, and given it its own space here. I've also added a Projects page, which I'll be updating fairly regularly. And although you can still find me on Blogspot, the official address of this site is now

3 years and 400+ posts in, writing this blog still gives me immense pleasure and satisfaction. Thank you so much for reading.


  1. I looooooove the new design. The header is fantastic! Yay for makeovers.

  2. Very very cool! Really like what you've done with it! Keep blogging!

  3. I just saw Pippi Langstrumpf on your reading list. My first introduction to Pippi was reading it in German. You learn really important vocabulary like Sommersprossen and Piraten. Great makeover, by the way.

  4. I thought you were a fan of the Oxford comma.

  5. I appreciate your consistency. Keep it up.
    The new design tells a story of liberty and love and everything in between.


Post a comment. Pretty please?


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